Stater for Consumers

Buying a house is an important event in your life. You want to be accepted quickly and to be able to see the status of your purchase immediately. You also want to manage your mortgage or building deposit yourself. If anything changes, you want to be able to see the consequences online immediately. Go to MijnHypotheekOnline to view or change your details.

Contact us via our Contact Centre:

by phone 033 450 9300, or by email:


Fast. Instant. Digital.

Stater processes more than 1.3 million mortgage loans for as many consumers. Via innovative digital processes and accessible portals. In this way, we always have the right answer to your questions. If you have questions about the possibilities of lowering the interest rate on your mortgage, due to the expiry of top mark-ups or interest rebates, we advise you to first consult the website of your lender. There you may be able to find out whether your lender facilitates interest rate reductions and/or interest rate swaps.


Annual statement

You need this annual statement for your tax return.

Every year in February we provide you with an annual statement that you need for your tax return. This includes the amounts repaid and the mortgage interest. Everything in one clear document. Nice and easy.


We support more than 1 million mortgages per year

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