We offer data a safe environment

Data Services

"Stater has a unique position in the mortgage chain, managing a large amount of mortgage data from our customers. Our data team has a strong combination of mortgage industry and data knowledge, and the ability to turn this knowledge into valuable data services for our customers and our own organisation."

Want to know more about Data Services at Stater?

Please contact Ruben Westerhof

Ruben Westerhof Manager Data Services


Intelligent and innovative data products

With our expertise in mortgage processes and with the knowledge of the data from our source systems, we can interpret data well and develop secure and innovative data products from there. For us, data-driven means acceleration at the front end so that the right data is available directly at the source.

Process KPI Dashboard

With our Process KPI Dashboard, we provide insight and actionable insights into the performance of mid-office processes. Customers can use this to manage their own operations or those of their intermediaries or service providers. KPIs such as hit ratio, first time right, STP and throughput time provide insight into performance. We also use this dashboard internally.

Data Quality as a Service

With Data Quality as a Service, we help our customers to gain insight into and monitor the data quality of their 'critical data elements'. Of course, together we ensure that the data quality continues to increase.

Real time mid-office data

For customers with their own data warehouse, we provide a real-time datafeed. This contains the relevant data regarding the status of current requests. This offers customers with their own mid-office operation 24/7 insight into the current status of quotations. This enables them to act proactively and communicate alertly.

Excessive risk matrix

Customers can use this GDPR-proof report directly for their accountability to the regulator. The report shows the extent and development of payday loans and meets all the definitions of the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM).


Data analyst

Given the increasing volume of data and our higher demands on data quality, we are constantly looking for new colleagues. Colleagues who want to help us further develop and optimise Stater's data quality. Can you quickly define and work out requirements?


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